What is an image clipping path?

Basically, clipping path is a vector path/shape that is used in Photoshop or also other photo editing software to isolate a subject of the image from its background. It has become the keystone among all image editing services. Professional clipping path service is basically used when the background of an image needs to be changed or removed. To be more specific, the process which is used to cut out an object from an image or remove the background of an image is called clipping path. It is now the most used word in any image editing related topics and the importance of it has no boundaries.

What is clipping path in the sector of photo editing services?

It is the most popular service in the graphic designing and photography world for editing images. It helps to hide or remove a part of an image. In addition, this service also helps to do clipping mask photoshop, photo cutout, color correction; variants & changing, photo masking and other manipulation easily. The process of it involves a number of tricks. Therefore, a professional hand is always helpful and efficient. This service is able to upgrade the quality. People who are expert and professional in this service able to deliver brilliant editing service. This service is useful for people in different genres.

How clipping path is done using Photoshop:

Food Photo Clipping Path Service

In Adobe Photoshop an object can be removed from the image or background can be removed of the image by using pen tool or Lasso tool. To create a proper path the following steps has to be followed:

  1. Just use the pen tool to create a path around the photo area that will become the silhouette.
  2. In the paths panel, you can choose save path from the panel menu and then the name is path. If save path is not visible, your path has already been saved; skip to Step 3. Convert your work path to a saved path.
  3. From the same panel menu, choose the path.
  4. In the paths dialog box, choose your path section from the drop-down list, if it’s not already selected; click OK. Leave the Flatness Device Pixels text field blank unless you need to change it. The flatness value determines how many device pixels are used to create your silhouette. The higher the amount, the fewer points are created, thereby allowing for faster processing time. This speed comes at a cost, though: Set the flatness value too high and you may see (if you look close) straight edges instead of curved edges.
  5. Choose the File→ Save as and, in the format drop-down list, select Photoshop EPS; in the EPS Options dialog box that appears, accept the defaults and click OK. If you see PostScript errors when printing, choose path from the panel menu and increase the value to 2 pixels in the Flatness Device Pixels text field. Keep returning to this text field and increasing the value until the file prints, or give up and try printing your document on another printer.

If you’re placing this file in other Adobe applications, such as InDesign, you don’t need to save the file as EPS; you can leave it as a Photoshop (PSD) file.

Here’s an even faster method you can use to create a clipping path that can be used in other Adobe applications, such as InDesign and Illustrator:

  1. Create a path around the item you want to keep when the clipping path is created. Make sure that you’re working on a layer and not on the background layer. To convert the Background to a layer, hold down the Alt key (Windows) or the Option key (Mac) and double-click the Background layer. The Background layer is now Layer 0.
  2. In the Layers panel, click the Add Layer Mask button and then click the Add Layer Mask button again. A layer vector mask is created, and everything outside the path becomes transparent. Creating a clipping path the easy way, with layers. You can still edit the path by using the Direct Selection tool.
  3. Save the file in the PSD format.
  4. Choose the File→ Place to put the photo, with its clipping path included, into other Adobe applications.
Medical Instrument Clipping Path Service

People or Businesses that need a professional clipping path service on a regular basis:

In today’s competitive digital world there are many individuals, companies and industries need this professional service. Specially, who are involved within photography, designing, advertising, e-commerce, and printing media. However, people or business that needs the service mostly are described below:

  • E-commerce Business: E-commerce has become one of the most popular businesses recently. Here people do not have the opportunity of looking at the real product. The only resource they depend on is the image. Therefore, the image has to look attractive and noiseless. And to make an image look that great clipping path is the inevitable service for eCommerce sites. Since e-commerce sites deal with product photography, background always plays a vital role in product images and clipping path becomes the necessity.
  • Digital Agencies: Promoting and branding are the main responsibilities of agencies. When agencies do it digitally, they require great quality images. In order to get presentable images, professional clipping path service is a must.
  • Web Development Companies: Everyone wants their website to be informative and elegant. To create a proper website, images play an important role. These images need this service for sure.
  • Publication Houses: The images of published materials have to look appealing. Therefore, clipping path becomes a frequently used service for publication houses. The images can be used in books, magazines, journals, and newspaper and enhance the overall experience of readers.
  • Photo Studios: Photo studios deal with an enormous number of images regularly. They have to provide the best images and sometimes, an element or a poor background ruin the quality of an image. Therefore, the studios become dependable on clipping path service.
  • Apparel Manufacturers: Sometimes, apparel manufacturers need images to be printed on apparel and to do such work properly clipped images are necessary.
  • Modeling Agencies: Images are the cornerstone for modeling agencies. Clipping path service is much-demanded requirement for modeling agencies to make portfolios and clipped images of models, props and other objects make their portfolios look gorgeous.
  • Real Estate Industry: High-quality detailed images are important parts for real estate companies for promoting their properties. The images they use online or printed media need clipping path surely.
  • Advertising Companies: Advertising is the main way of marketing or promoting anything. The images used by advertising agencies have to be that much attractive so that the consumers fall in love with the product just by looking at the image of the product. Therefore, it is unavoidable service to present a fresh and lucrative image for the advertising companies.
Chandelier Light Clipping Path Service

Importance in the photo industry

The development of the photo industry has increased rapidly recently. The photography world has changed and developed dramatically due to the fast-growing advanced technology. Now photography is not only about taking photos, but also it includes the post photography works which are done in a computer. The manipulation of images by various software in the computer has become tremendously popular and demanded in the recent past. The manipulation or editing includes a lot of services together. It is the most used word that we hear when it comes to graphic designing or photo editing. It is the most important image editing service now-a-days.

How to choose the right clipping path service provider?

One has to be really expert in graphic designing or image editing to provide proper clipping path service. He or she has to have massive control and knowledge over Photoshop. It is the most essential part of quality photo editing service for a professional image. Images play a vital role in our regular digital life. A poorly presented image can ruin the reputation of a business. Therefore, you need a clipping path expert for editing their photograph with an attractive look that enhances your business. This service is used when you need to change the background along with the unwanted objects, if you want to keep an object then it can be done as well. This service is needed pretty much in every other service. But to obtain services like retouching, neck-joint, color correction etc, one must have to do clipping path. Therefore, it is very obvious that, it is the part and parcel of all image editing services and the demand for it is highest among all of them and the market is very competitive.

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April 13, 2019
Shoes Clipping Path Service

How Important is Professional Clipping Path Service in 2019

What is an image clipping path? Basically, clipping path is a vector path/shape that is used in Photoshop or also other photo editing software to isolate […]